Oct 5, 2010

♥ Just for Fun ♥

Hari ni, meh kita main tag-tag..hihihi..

1. Name one person who made you laugh last nite??
Zahra, biasala keletah dia memang sokmo mencuit hati me & en. Suami

2. What were doing 1 hour ago?
Update blog sambil blogwalking..

3. What was da last thing u said out loud?
Zahra takmo tido ke..

4. Where' da next place you're going to?
Bilik tido..hihihihi

5. What was da last thing u paid for?
Erm..takdek, sumer benda yang perlu @ mahu, en. Suami bayar..ekekeke

6. where were u last nite?
Mestila bilik tido..ngehehe

7. What da besh ice cream flavour?
Semua flavour suker, tapi kalu suh pilih, jagung..wahahaha

8. Do u wanna cut your hair?
Nak sesangat, tapi sini mahal woo potong rambut kat salon

9. Do u love to 'melatah?
Eh..mana der..tak main ar..hihihi

10. Tag pada 5 orang yang dikenali...
cik Fatin
cik Suzie
Myra Jay


  1. ohoo..seb baik tag nye senang..hehehe..ok..harus buat skang!

  2. hihi..sajela isi masa lapang..huhu..lapang sangat ke..

  3. Tengok tag ni,teringat juga kat list tag saya yang bersusun itu

  4. hihi..perasan jugak tu..ramainyer org tag kak ummu..mesti glamer ni..

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  6. @Anonymous

    er..wordpress?? marvellous post? well..good day to u too & thanks..
